A real church
for real people

Welcome home! We want you to experience God's presence with us.

Let's encounter God together.

Vision Church is passionate about leading people to Jesus Christ and helping them live out God's vision for their life! Whether you are new to church or have not been in a while, you're welcome here.

Current Sermon Series

In February, we are in the series World Changers!

God wants to use each of us to be world changers, whether we are in the business world, stay at home with our children, attend school, or are now retired.  Whatever world you are in- you can have positive influence for God's Kingdom!

Come visit us on a Sunday at 10:00 am to learn how to change your world for the better. 

Latest Sermon

Watch our latest sermon brought to you by our teaching team. Our goal is for you to connect with Jesus and to grow in your walk with God.

Why Vision Church?

We believe that every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God.
God did great things in 2024! View our end of year recap video by clicking below.

Your next steps

Wondering how you can grow in your relationship with Jesus? Find out what your next steps are.

Watch online

Can’t join us in person? Don’t worry! Join us online from wherever you are.

Get involved

Our ministries are the life-blood of our church. Find life-giving community and get involved.

Visit us in person

Sunday Mornings

10:00am in person and online.

Upcoming Events

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We exist to lead people to Christ and help them live out God's vision for their life.